Perceptions on the exercise of rights and obligations of teachers in the educational unit Santo Domingo de los Colorados - Ecuador.




teacher rights, teacher obligations, educational quality, institutional environment


This work was developed to describe the perceptions regarding the exercise of rights and obligations of teachers in the Santo Domingo de los Colorados Educational Unit, in the 2023 - 2024 school year. This institution is fiscally supported, it is located in the Province of Santo Domingo of the Tsáchilas, Ecuador. It is a research with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional, descriptive level and field, bibliographic, and documentary modality. The data collected through a survey applied to 100 teachers were analyzed with descriptive statistics to know the distribution of the responses and reach valid conclusions. It is found that there is a somewhat equitable distribution between the high, medium, and low levels of the quality of the work environment; high percentages of subjects that make use of their right to permissions and licenses, at low levels; high percentages who say they make  their rights to training and studies; which is similar in terms of support and well-being; and in administrative management, the largest percentage considers it to be of a high level. Likewise, there is an almost equal distribution regarding planning, indicating that it is high, medium, and low level, something similar happens with compliance with standards; The overwhelming majority consider a low level of attention and good treatment within the school, very similar to what they think about respect for others. After calculating the Pearson coefficient, a strong bidirectional positive variation is found, so when one variable increases the other also increases and vice versa.


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How to Cite

Cedeño-Jama, K. E. . (2024). Perceptions on the exercise of rights and obligations of teachers in the educational unit Santo Domingo de los Colorados - Ecuador. Revista Científica Retos De La Ciencia, 8(17), 129–140.